How was your life changed by your time at the BCM? Did you go on your first mission trip? Did you make lifelong friends? Did your faith in God sustain or grow, while so many others drifted away? Did you lead a Bible Study? Did you play a 100 hours of Ping Pong or Dorkball? Did you take naps in the prayer room or eat dozens of delicious meals by sweet church ladies? Did you meet your future wife or husband? There's more than a thousand alumni out there who think specifically of the BCM when they think of their time at Walters State, who's lives are forever and eternally different because others gave to make campus ministry possible at Walters State. If your life is different today because of BCM, please consider if you could contribute towards making sure BCM remains an active and effective part of campus life at Walters State.
Is the impact on your life equivalent to a meal at Chick-fil-A once a year?
Would it be equal to the cost of something pretty for the house or a new toy for the garage?
I know many of you are thinking someday, maybe when I'm rich? Likely, many who read this will think that's something somebody else will take care of, they won't. If the very people impacted greatly by this ministry don't help sustain it, then nobody will. Some alumni are surely capable of dramatic contributions that would amaze and humble me as the director. But almost everybody could donate the cost of a meal once a year (if not once a month).
Below is a link to our square space account where you can set up a safe and secure online donation right from your phone or computer. Here is my hope and dream from this initial request. It's not a wild or unrealistic dream.
50 different alumni making a one time donation of ANY size. ANY size would help reach this goal.
5 different alumni committing to a monthly donation of ANY size. You can cancel your recurring donation at any point in the future that you find it necessary. I'm not asking anybody to tithe to the BCM. I'm simply asking you to invest back into a ministry that once invested in you.
Parents, churches, friends
Clearly it isn't only alumni that would see the value of campus ministry at Walters State. If you are a parent of a former, current or even future student, you might look for opportunities to invest in a ministry that is(was) so singularly focused on meeting the needs of your child(ren).
We receive very generous support from the churches of the Nolachucky Baptist Association. It is because of this support that the BCM presently exists. However, there might be churches or institutions outside of the association that may have seen the impact the BCM has had on a student from their congregation. In truth, many of the students who participate in BCM come from churches connected to neighboring associations or may not even be Baptist. The BCM welcomes all students and we certainly would welcome the support of neighboring churches.
Finally there are folks who might not have a student connection, but who would desire to support the BCM. I'm certain there are individual church members, ladies who have brought lunch to students for years, members of the campus community, people who now live in the Lakeway area who were impacted by other BSU(BCM) programs all of whom might be interested in partnering with the BCM.
There is a real need for direct financial support in addition to the generous support of the Nolachucky Baptist Association of Churches.
There are additional ways one can connect with and support the BCM.
Other ways to Donate
Perhaps you would be willing to donate time to mentor college students during the school year.
We've had very generous and talented people volunteer to help with plumbing, electrical, HVAC and other needs. Perhaps you have a skill that you could use to meet a need at the BCM.
Would your church group be willing to provide a meal once a year to a group of hungry college students? In a normal year, our weekly lunch program is the best outreach project we have to connect with new students.
Do you have a group of men or youth that would consider a work project at the BCM. We are working hard to make the BCM the best looking facility it can be. Maybe you have a group that could help clear brush, pressure wash, paint, or help with other maintenance.
Once campus is reopened there might be a group or individuals who would like to prayer walk the campus asking God to bless our efforts for His Kingdom work in the coming semester.
There might be other ways that can't be anticipated here. Contact the BCM Director with whatever God may be laying on your heart.
How to Donate
In Person
Feel free to drop by the BCM building and talk to the director. An appointment isn't necessary but you might want to communicate prior to a visit to make sure the Director is in the building.
Traditional means of communication are very welcome as well. A check can be mailed to:
580 S. Davy Crockett Pkwy.
Morristown TN 37813